我们是当地的旅行社,并且在Trip Advisor,重要的Oneworld365旅行及其非洲野生动物园门户网站上拥有最佳旅行评论。我们提供野生动物游览到坦桑尼亚的旅行,到桑给巴尔岛的海滩度假以及到乞力马扎罗山的登山旅行。我们允许您以实惠但优质的方式远足,探索自然奇观的美丽本质。通过电子邮件联系我们:[email protected] 中国旅客可以在舒适的野生动物园中度过假期。每个旅行者都可以在预定的出发日期加入有组织的团体。乞力马扎罗山的团体预订是游客基于折扣度假套餐找到低成本游猎者的一种方式。任何个人均可参加乞力马扎罗山远足小组或经济野营野生动物园。带有团体联合选项的乞力马扎罗路线为Rongai路线,Machame路线和Marangu路线。带有他们自己的翻译器的小团体可以享受所有野生动物园预定优惠。 乞力马扎罗山探险之旅由讲英语和汉语的专业向导指导。我们提供中餐菜单,以满足来自北京,上海,香港和中国其他地区的游客的最大兴趣。每个游客都可以在乞力马扎罗山坦桑石野生动物园DMC的专业建议下计划私人乞力马扎罗山攀登。 免费提供如何选择乞力马扎罗山的路线,乞力马扎罗山远足装备的装箱清单,适应环境和攀登乞力马扎罗山的最佳季节。随时询问更多信息和报价。也可以通过WhatsApp与我们联系并进行微信+255784811095 索取野生动物园报价和冒险乞力马扎罗山旅行包价格,免费获得建议,比较旅行优惠与自由。 您可以省钱并获得最优质的服务,电子邮件:[email protected] 乞力马扎罗山坦桑石野生动物园为中国旅客提供廉价航班和优质旅行套餐。南方航空从长沙,广州,北京等城市飞往内罗毕。内罗毕是肯尼亚的首都,也是东非著名的野生动物园枢纽。游客到达内罗毕后,可以乘坐中国小团体的穿梭巴士,私人包车或从Precision Air到乞力马扎罗机场的廉价航班轻松前往坦桑尼亚。坦桑尼亚航空公司将开放从JRO达累斯萨拉姆到中国城市广州和曼谷的直航。卢旺达航空也是廉价航空公司,可以通过广州白云国际机场将您带到东非。
Discount Tanzania safaris are available from November to December 15 and March
Kilimanjaro Tanzanite Safaris DMC offers discount tour offers on Tanzania safaris from November to December 15. From 1 November to December 15, you will get a discount on Lodge safaris and luxury tented camping safaris. This is the mid-low season whereby most safari lodges provide …
Beach Vacations to Diani Mombasa Kenya Beach holidays
Diani beach is among the wonderful world-class beach holiday destinations. At Diani beach, you will find a beautiful tropical beach resort. Furthermore, Diani features a white sand beach, fabulous tropical gardens, modern amenities, a wide range of accommodation options, and several dining choices. We choose …
Safari Lodges and Tourist Hotels
Safari Lodges and tourist hotels are essential part of Tanzania safari packages. Tanzania safari package price compose essentialy accommodation, Safari park entrance tarrifs, and safari jeep. Accommodation styles are into different cost levels from tented camps, Lodges, and boutique hotels.Northern Tanzania safari destinations include National …
Tanzania’s Ecotourism
Ecotourism in Tanzania is best defined as a low-impact form of tourism that supports the conservation of natural resources. Also, Ecotourism practices help preserve local culture and provides economic benefits to the communities. Natural Resource conservation comes in many forms like Wildlife conservation, anti-poaching, forest …
Wildlife Safaris Private Tours in Tanzania
Tanzania private safari booking are wildlife tours to the game parks with your own 4WD safari car and driver-guide. Your vacation safari package in Tanzania also includes accommodation of your style, and budget This means your safari holiday package does not share a car with …
Travel Tips and Tanzania e Visa online application
Travel tips are provided by a Tour Operator DMC to help tourists plan their wildlife safari in Tanzania. Kilimanjaro Tanzanite Safaris DMC is a Tanzania wildlife specialist Company. Travel tips include how to get a VISA online, VISA at Kilimanjaro Airport, and a weather forecast. …
Volunteer Accommodation, Arusha hostels booking, safari eco lodges
First of all, we let you know that volunteering in Tanzania is easier when you get affordable accommodation. Travel overseas plans like vacation leave and volunteering need cheap hostels and budget rental properties. Gap-year adventures and discount student travel packages are provided in Tanzania. We …
Tourist Hotels and Safari Lodges
Accommodation, Tanzania accommodation varies from Camping, Tented camps, Lodges and Safari Lodges. These wildlife lodges has standard price which is affordable by most discerning travelers. The room rates of this standard accommodation are standard, and quality is promising because Lodges have international tourism reviews. We …
Travel Tips For An African Safari
African safari travel tips help safari enthusiasts to book their Tanzania safari without stress. Booking safari to visit either Kenya or Tanzania wildlife parks need an advice. In East Africa, wildebeest migration involves both wildlife parks of Masai Mara, and Serengeti. To see most wildlife …